
By joining our events, attending our programs, and following our communication, you can access our community, connect with other professionals and receive updates on coffee digitalization initiatives.

DCF community world map.

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Our community brings together 1400+ professionals located in 59 countries around the world. We are so glad to be able to reach coffee producers, cooperatives, exporters, importers, roasters, NGOs, public institutions, tech providers, members of academia, independent consultants, baristas, coffee writers, and more.

If it wasn’t for the great support of each of you, we wouldn’t be able to be where we are today.

Our impact.



professionals are currently part of our newsletter community.



international coffee experts participated in our 10 webinars and summit, sharing information with more than 1500 registrants.  



organizations and companies supported us in the planning, execution, promotion and sponsorship of the events.

Support us.

Are you interested in partnering with us or supporting one of our initiatives? Get in touch! We can’t wait to hear from you.